People in recovery are some of the wisest most caring people I’ve ever met. We’ve been forced to search our souls and have discovered that helping others is the greatest source of personal happiness there is. Relate to your potential customers in the same way you do to people in recovery. Although they may not be reaching out for help, they could still benefit from your product or service remember sales is Service, so sell from your heart. You are there to be of service, and if they don’t perceive how you might help them at that moment, it just means that there is someone who is ready and is searching for you, so you need to move on to them as soon as possible. Get it clear in your head that offering your services is absolutely in your prospect’s best interest because if you can’t meet their needs you will help them find someone who can. It’s an abundant world out there, demonstrate that belief in all you do and you will know the only abundance. Invest the time and make the effort to tap your wisdom and intuition and ask thoughtful questions that show you only want what’s best for your prospect.
The sales process is not just a chance to do service for your client but also to your family, your employees and vendors, and all of their families. Just as you feel gratitude for your miracle of dodging death and entering recovery, honor how offering your services is giving back to this saving universe.
A powerful way of keeping all this in your mind is to say a mantra before each communication with a client. My mantra is as follows and you are welcome to use it also:
I am a difference maker. I transform the lives of my clients with my business strategies and my faith in them.
The people I choose to work with deserve my help.
I see any objections they raise only as opportunities to better understand their need for my help.
The purpose of our interaction is to expose, diagnosis and heal their pain with strategies for a better business and life. I know they will change their lives with my coaching.
I am a coach for business people in recovery, no one else can do what I do.
Here are some suggestions for making service the core of your sales process:
- Add the word service to your company vision and/or mission statement
- Create a sales mantra
- Be ready to make a referral if you can’t properly serve the client
- Remind yourself that your sales process serves your family and the families of your employees and vendors